Fellowship Bible Church

About Pastor Fred
Fred has been a senior pastor for over 30 years.
Fred Bekemeyer is the 4th Pastor of Fellowship Bible Church, which had its beginnings in a few Central Florida homes in the early 1980’s. He's a native born Floridian, raised in Winter Garden, and been married to Gwen since December of 1972. He’s known for his depth of knowledge of God’s Word, his very gracious spirit, and his heart for others.
He received his training for pastoral ministries from Grace School of The Bible. Through his years of personal experience in the ministry, he has seen too many believers going through life hurting and confused about their relationship with God. Well, Fred would love for you to know that God loves you and has a plan just for you and that plan is one of total victory in His grace through His Son's shed blood.
Fred believes that it is not only important for believers to have a local church to attend but that they also need the right church. They need a church that offers a friendly environment, proper doctrines of grace, and a safe haven where one can come to fellowship with others of like precious faith. He believes in a balanced ministry based on evangelism and edification. So Pastor Fred and the members of FBC invite you to come and see what Fellowship Bible Church can do for you.


We're strongly focused
on deep study of the Word of God.

Bible classes are available for not only adults but also children of all ages.

Study Guides
We have free Bibles, books, study guides, charts, maps, & more!

About Pastor Hal
“God don’t make junk.” “Words mean things.” “What part of complete do we not understand?” “Things that are different are not the same.” “It’s the real deal that’s a done deal.” “We need to align our earthly walk with our heavenly identity.” These are some of the many expressions those who have listened to Hal’s preaching over the years have come to appreciate. Nearly a lifetime in ministry, Hal brings a level of wisdom, insight, and reflection that only he can bring. Joel calls him “the Dean of Theology” for the “Bekemeyer Grace School of Hard Knox.” You can catch his messages on our YouTube channel where he also frequently joins in on the podcasts. He is also quite the talented writer.

About Pastor Joel
We pretty much don't talk about him. Ever.
Most People
Pastor Joel grew up in grace churches. Fell away. Hit bottom. Came back to the Lord. Almost graduated from "The Bekemeyer Grace School of Hard Knox." Became FBC's Librarian. Then Associate Pastor. Wrote a book. Began preaching. Stumbled into podcasting. And he absolutely loves everyone. Seriously. He does.

“I love this Church!! We are ALL Like family and we ALL love The Lord and His Word. And our Pastors and Teachers are amazing!!"
Lidia Cannaday
“This is a wonderful church that teaches the Word of God, rightly divided which is wonderful. The people are so friendly and we love the fellowship as well as the great teaching!"
Pamela Bloodworth
Joel's secret stash of photos ----> HERE