Fellowship Bible Church
Sir Robert Anderson
Sir Robert, the Secret Service Theologian, retired in 1901 from his position as Assistant Commissioner at Scotland Yard, having given up famous mysteries like Jack the Ripper to explore more interesting mysteries, such as the one committed to the Apostle Paul. His famous friends include familiar names, like C.I. Scofield, E.W. Bullinger, and he even preached with John Nelson Darby in the west of Ireland.
On his salvation, he said he attended a service led by Reverend John Hall, who "boldly proclaimed forgiveness of sins, and eternal life as God's gift in grace, unreserved and unconditional, to be received by us as we sat in the pews. His sermon thrilled me." Later, he wrote, "and yet I deemed his doctrine to be unscriptural. So I waylaid him as he left the vestry, and on our homeward walk I tackled him about his heresies... At last he let go my arm, and, facing me as we stood upon the pavement, he repeated with great solemnity his gospel message and appeal. 'I tell you,' he said, 'as a minister of Christ, and in His name, that there is life for you here and now if you will accept Him. Will you accept Christ, or will you reject Him?' After a pause – how prolonged I know not – I exclaimed, 'In God's name I will accept Christ.' Not another word passed between us; but after another pause he wrung my hand and left me. And I turned homewards with the peace of God filling my heart." (Anderson, R., Redemption Truths, Introduction by Wiersbe, W., Kregel 1980, pages vi–vii)
All of his works, which are in the public domain, are available here in a downloadable .pdf format.
Pastor Ricky Kurth had an interesting article explaining how Sir Robert solved a difficult math problem that puzzled many Bible students for years through his wonderful book The Coming Prince. We’d also recommend The Honour of His Name.
- Joel, Associate Pastor