[We’re only reporting on what’s being reported. Any article we share is not necessarily a tacit endorsement of anything that’s said in the article. -Joel]
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Christian News:
As Pope Francis Calls For Chrislam Summit In Rome, Communist China Prepares For The Invasion Of Taiwan https://t.ly/hfPE | Fed Prepares To Launch "Review" Of Central Bank Digital Currency That Could Render Cash, Privacy Obsolete https://t.ly/w1Xd | International shipping group issues red alert letter warning of imminent global supply chain collapse… widespread famine, power grid failures and economic ruin are right around the corner https://t.ly/ak79 | BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: China’s Economic Crisis Has Arrived – This Will Impact the Entire World https://t.ly/sBWe | Power crisis deepens in Asia and Europe: What it means to shipping https://t.ly/kVoJ | Europe Turns To Russia For More Coal As Energy Prices Skyrocket https://t.ly/7Tem | With gas pumps still dry, Britain brings in the army https://t.ly/G5je | American Big Tech Company Tying Up With Chinese Communists: Report https://t.ly/mdnv | Death in the shadows of displacement: Forced migration, deathliness, and the hope for life https://t.ly/Ia04
The Next Great Awakening Will Come Through Churches’ Efforts To Fix Broken Families, Marriages: Christian Author https://t.ly/WFl2 | What science can tell us about the benefits of religion https://t.ly/8G2G
Faith and miracles in the two World Wars https://t.ly/d0sH
Why Is it So Hard to Pray with My Spouse? https://t.ly/l0rE | Christian comedians The Skit Guys share how to achieve lasting ‘godly’ friendships https://t.ly/9yWw | Five Bible Verses to Remember When You’re Overwhelmed by the News https://t.ly/HSIt
As Christian Cold War Heats Up, The Faithful Are Equipping For Battle https://t.ly/yTv3 | If Christians Around The World Can Face Death For Their Faith, Americans Can Go To Church https://t.ly/SdU5 | Christians Don’t Need Fancy New Strategies Or Tactics To Tackle America’s Problems. They Need Courage https://t.ly/45pw | How to Oust Your Woke Pastor: A Guide to Defending the Flock from the Woke, Crypto-Woke, and Useful Idiots of Evangelicalism https://t.ly/RRO0 | Digital church is here to stay, according to new study https://t.ly/Q1To | University diversity modules and the terrifying drive to make us all 'woke' https://t.ly/I1nF
Abortion, Religion, Gun Rights: Top 5 Supreme Court Cases to Follow this Term https://t.ly/e8yi
Facebook Is Alive, DNS Issues Being Resolved After Six Hours Of Darkness https://t.ly/KVwd | Babylon Bee: In Major Disaster For Humanity, Facebook Comes Back Online https://t.ly/pA32 | Report: Facebook Crashed After Mark Zuckerberg Failed CAPTCHA One Too Many Times https://t.ly/LYsW
Gab CEO SLAMS ‘Wicked’ Silicon Valley for ‘Erosion of Free Speech and Christian Values’ https://t.ly/yqb4
A history documentary about Segovia: “The flame of the gospel is still alive” https://t.ly/FBNs
Pastor Pawlowski remains target of authoritarian Canadian government https://t.ly/umVE | Camp Constitution’s “Christian Flag” Lawsuit Will be Heard by the Supreme Court https://t.ly/P0gU | Gov. Ned Lamont Calls Connecticut State Employees Seeking Religious Exemptions ‘Mother Teresas’ https://t.ly/D0j3 | Christian nurse ‘treated like a criminal’ for wearing cross necklace https://t.ly/FSLA | Canadian Christian activist on trial for alleged ‘hate crime’ at a 2016 ‘pride’ parade https://t.ly/LReX
Churches Threaten to Withhold Funds Over Southern Baptist Response to Abuse Inquiry https://t.ly/go7C | Locals clash with Christian preacher on Lincoln High St who called homosexuality a sin https://t.ly/LcEV | Christian teen brothers charged with attempted murder of mother, church ‘praying for all involved’ https://t.ly/zubm | SBC Prez Hosts Social Justice Worship Event With Catholic Priests, Gay-Affirming Methodists, Etc. https://t.ly/v2zp | The Wokeficaton of World Vision: Series Finale + Black Christians in Church Need to Form ‘Affinity Groups’ Based on Race https://t.ly/33qC | 'Massive' child sex abuse in French Church, inquiry finds https://t.ly/t8lJ | Hillsong’s Brian Houston Pleads NOT GUILTY in Concealing Child Sexual Abuse https://t.ly/bGNGM
Minister runs 'preaching marathon' between churches to raise money for mental health support https://t.ly/jZ1W | Philanthropic Jewish Couple’s Private Donation to Christian Medical Missions Is Reportedly Largest Ever https://t.ly/fo2G
Jesus, drugs and rock ’n’ roll: How an O.C. hippie church birthed Contemporary Christian music https://t.ly/v1DO | Euro Truck Simulator 2 goes to church https://t.ly/Hp9b | Does God Exist To Make People Happy? Gospel Artist Kirk Franklin Shares The Answer https://t.ly/dXLy
Christianity grows by nearly 1% in Muslim-majority Indonesia https://t.ly/xFrr
Kidnapped Christian Killed in Rescue Effort in Nigeria https://t.ly/MRQl | Murder, Forced Cannibalism, Extortion: US-Bound Migrants Held for Ransom by Satanic Gangs in Mexico https://t.ly/Qns2 | Pentecostal pastor, 2 other Christians arrested in India for handing out Bibles https://t.ly/GpEP | Girls Exposed to 'Shadow Pandemic' of Sexual Abuse, GFA World Says https://t.ly/dUhA | | The former head of the anti-xie-jiao Office 610 who became Minister of Justice is investigated, and a top anti-cult police officer ends up in jail. https://t.ly/IRnr | Irish Government Calls Out Eritrea for Arbitrary Imprisonment of Christians https://t.ly/uAwy | Christian Woman Detained Over Sales of Audio Bibles Released on Bail https://t.ly/ynfC | Another Pastor in India’s Uttar Pradesh State Arrested on False Forced Conversion Charges https://t.ly/NSbK
Grace Goodies:
Help support Pastor Sam Gerhardt & his battle with stage 4 colon cancer through 1 of 2 GoFundMe Pages here https://t.ly/m2xP or here https://t.ly/nmFd | Or send a check to Grace Bible Church 3827 Hixson Pike Chattanooga TN 37415
Download a free copy of Pastor Joel’s book, “Empowered by His Grace!” https://t.ly/wZh8
Check out Greg Resor’s Digital Radio Station! Grace Messages 24/7! https://t.ly/uOuH
Stock up on grace books! Berean Bible Society https://t.ly/EXZA | Forgotten Truths https://t.ly/fgCt | Dispensational Publishing House https://t.ly/X3tx | Parsons Publishing https://t.ly/fPxB | Also, get connected with grace newsletters https://t.ly/5X20
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Grace Articles:
New October Berean Searchlight: https://t.ly/xL6Ap
Grace Beyond Borders Newsletter https://t.ly/QFo4
Ricky Kurth: Take Them Off the Pay No Mind List https://t.ly/7Ft0 | What’s in a Name? https://t.ly/2Fw3
Paul Sadler: Will There Be Recognition in Heaven? https://t.ly/4s0D
C.R. Stam: The Truth Of The Gospel https://t.ly/xfjS | How God Empowers His Witnesses https://t.ly/ocA9
A Few Grace Videos:
Bryan & Becky Ross have a podcast! https://t.ly/jfR9
Remembering Dave Stewart | Faith Bible Church channel https://t.ly/1HHX | 1 Cor. Playlist https://t.ly/wfxC | Final Message https://t.ly/BsgP
Pastor Hal on Hidden Wisdom https://t.ly/nanw
Pastor Joel on Oh Man of God https://t.ly/Ijdi
Bryan Ross on the Reward of the Inheritance https://t.ly/JSON | The King Behind the King James https://t.ly/IlhM | Sonship Edification Playlist https://t.ly/Jsrk
Steve Ross talks about 4 Trumpets https://t.ly/sYc1
David Reid asks how much faith is needed to be saved https://t.ly/twpR | Is the punishment in the lake of fire eternal or do unbelievers cease to exist? https://t.ly/jSvD | Single Clips Playlist https://t.ly/DIjl
David O’Steen talks about Our Commission https://t.ly/PBfl | Acts 7 https://t.ly/RHa1
Tom Bruscha talks Books of the Bible https://t.ly/stLi
Josh Strelecki on 10 Necessary Good Works https://t.ly/3u0n | 37 Things of the Spirit https://t.ly/oH5u
Ricky Jr. on Rom. 8:36-37 https://t.ly/naEg | The Big Picture: To Weaken the Nations https://t.ly/RK1u
Randy White talks about Two Blind Men https://t.ly/U4uE
Kevin Hobbs https://t.ly/O4wd | https://t.ly/2BXR
Don Hosfeld https://t.ly/DzhA | https://t.ly/vp4N
John Verstegen https://t.ly/lXoJ
Shorewood LiveStream https://t.ly/WUK4 | https://t.ly/ApHt
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Grace & Peace!