[Come join us for Open Chat Friday on the Grace Life Podcast!]
Christian News:
Church Growth Is Coming https://t.ly/qQy0 | Dear Christians: Get Off Your Couch And Back In The Pews https://t.ly/XZiS
New Company Protects Kids from LGBTQ Cult: Christian Tech Startup Responds to Pride Month Helps Parents Block LGBTQ+ Propaganda https://t.ly/27bL
East Texas pastor finally gets high school diploma at 99 https://t.ly/otgc
Big win for religious liberty in California by Thomas More Society https://t.ly/b3xh | Legal settlement: California forced to stop discriminating against churches, must pay their legal fees https://t.ly/71Qm | Supreme Court denies Colorado churches' request for relief from COVID-19 worship restrictions https://t.ly/1moT | Court affirms tuition for students at religious school https://t.ly/uh3y
European Union Unveils Plans For A Digital Identity Wallet Funded By The EU Post-Covid Recovery Package To Digitize All European Citizens https://t.ly/M25E
Parents ‘Furious’ at NYC Private School Over Graphic Sex-ed Videos Shown to 1st Graders https://t.ly/DWqT
A house of healing for Iran's fleeing Christians https://t.ly/H92o | Catholic Couple Acquitted of Blasphemy after 7 Years on Pakistan’s Death Row https://t.ly/qMQk | U.S. Religious Freedom Report Highlights Pakistan’s Discrimination Towards Christians https://t.ly/ra0O | USCIRF Condemns Turkish Bombing of Christian Village in Iraq https://t.ly/QaxM | Uyghur exiles describe forced abortions, torture in Xinjiang https://t.ly/7awn | Church Demolished by Hindu Nationalists with No Consequences https://t.ly/746p
Russell Moore Parts from Southern Baptists Personally as Well as Professionally https://t.ly/EWki | Mike Stone says leaked Russell Moore letter an attempt to sway SBC presidential election https://t.ly/xcf2 | As SBC Convention Nears, Hundreds Submit Resolutions against Critical Race Theory https://t.ly/9WYu | How Al Mohler Deals With Russell Moore Will Either Make Him or Break Him for Many Southern Baptists https://t.ly/HNX6
CBS, Hallmark Reject Pro-Life Ad that Shows Ultrasounds, Babies: 'Too Controversial' https://t.ly/Y74D | High school valedictorian slams Texas heartbeat abortion law in graduation speech https://t.ly/eDn7
Emails: Dr. Fauci recommended shuttering religious services while saying it was safe to go on a cruise https://t.ly/2UjA | Canada Heaps Fines on Church of God for Holding Outdoor Services After Police Lock Building https://t.ly/RBwn | Presbyterian Church Allows Only the Vaccinated to Attend In-Person Services – Non-Vaxxed Must Watch Online https://t.ly/tsWC
Army Recruiting’s Cartoon Travesty: ‘Make America Woke-Disney Great!’ https://t.ly/3c23
Hillsong founders react to sexual abuse allegations against Carl Lentz by former nanny turned pastor https://t.ly/xZzV | Bethel Church Pastor Makes Creepy Jokes About His Grandson’s Wife https://t.ly/50ge
Archbishop expresses 'deep sadness' over remains of 215 children found in mass grave at former Catholic school https://t.ly/Jxab | See Also - https://t.ly/MC9q | 6,000 Believed to Have Died https://t.ly/6jjh
Babylon Bee: John The Baptist Not Invited Back To Potluck After Bringing Locust And Honey Casserole https://t.ly/vVOc
Grace Goodies:
We now have a news page! Joel will also be posting his sermon notes here: https://t.ly/UmBE | Plus, saints have option of financially supporting church via Cash App https://t.ly/QnFO
Florida Grace Camp, June 13-19: https://t.ly/Qdle
Bryan Ross has a new book! https://t.ly/GXZG
New Berean Searchlight https://t.ly/oCt3 | BBF Summer Conference Returns https://t.ly/Cj6l
A Few Grace Messages:
Freddie Bear talks Marriage https://t.ly/s1wu
Joel on Spiritual Gifts https://t.ly/XnJn | Notes https://t.ly/cGGo
David Reid on Acts 28rs https://t.ly/EkJi
Jordan on Mark 15 https://t.ly/hW2k
Ted Fellows on Acts 16 https://t.ly/3tJ6
Tom Bruscha on OT Salvation, Part 7 https://t.ly/5tvi
Eric Neumann on Mary is Second Eve https://t.ly/LS3W
Randy White on 1 Timothy https://t.ly/N8qx | ATT https://t.ly/AkoA
Other Grace Goodies:
Download a free copy of Pastor Joel’s new book, “Empowered by His Grace!” https://t.ly/wZh8
Check out Greg Resor’s Digital Radio Station! Grace Messages 24/7! https://t.ly/uOuH
Stock up on grace books! Berean Bible Society https://t.ly/EXZA | Forgotten Truths https://t.ly/fgCt | Dispensational Publishing House https://t.ly/X3tx | Parsons Publishing https://t.ly/fPxB | Also, get connected with grace newsletters https://t.ly/5X20
Join the ministry! Sign up for Grace School of the Bible https://t.ly/haX4 | Berean Bible Institute https://t.ly/R2U9 | or the tuition-free Grace Bible Institute in TX https://t.ly/h0Jo
List of Grace Churches: https://t.ly/EMb3
Download Joel’s 4,200+ Grace Books, Articles, and Charts (5 gigs): https://t.ly/opG3
FBC on Social Media:
Connect with Pastor Joel!
FB: https://t.ly/PaTC | Twitter: https://t.ly/dle9 | Parler: https://t.ly/Nv57 | Gab: https://t.ly/XFQh | Minds: https://t.ly/xeDN | MeWe: https://t.ly/OWcF
Connect with Pastor Fred!
Connect with Pastor Hal!
Connect with Fellowship Bible Church!
FB: https://t.ly/OEFS | Odysee: https://t.ly/ZrhH
From the FBC Website:
Got Eternal Life? https://t.ly/EHSR
Support the Ministry: https://t.ly/bJCr
This is EPIC: free Grace Goodies: https://t.ly/dPRk
Come join us! We’re really friendly. https://t.ly/VmxM